Monday, March 7, 2011

Smelly Girl, Smelly Girl What are they Feeding you?

I feel like a bad parent, one without kids. My best days are when I'm not working. I am learning to love the kids, especially the ones who are rather difficult to love, but my best days are still my off days. It would be amazing, if I started having really great days when working too. I guess that will just take some more time.

I've started trying different things when waking the kids up in the morning to minimize the yelling and resistance to waking up. I remember when I was young my mum or pops would go into my room and turn on the light, then leave and return 10 minutes later to get me out of bed. I tried that today. I turned on the lights at 7:15, and went back to my room, then cam back in 10 minutes and sang my wake-up song. It worked well on the boys. There was no screaming from Samuel and he got up. Benjamin too went to breakfast when I told him to. It's Gabrielle who is trouble. She always says, "No! I want to sleep." When I tell her that is not possible, even if she stays home from school, because I am annoying and won't let her sleep regardless. She is not a morning person, and it affects everybody else's moods. Life would be so much easier if she would just do what she was told.

I have started thinking of ways to get them to listen to me. They don't do it because they are obedient kids, but they would do it for rewards. I am thinking of making a chart, where they put stickers if they obey, and when they get a certain number I will take the one who did so to do something fun. It seems very kindergarden to me, so if yall have other ideas, let me know!

This morning Sandrine asked me to take Elsa to creche (daycare) because she had something to do. I love being alone with Elsa in the morning. She is so cuddly and sweet, and even more so today because she is sick. I dressed her in pink from head to toe, and put a bow in her hair. I wish I could have her alone every morning, she brightens my days. After breakfast, an awful smell filled the kitchen. I asked her, "Elsa, tu ca-ca?" And she just laughed. I went to change her diaper. In short, I don't know how such a gross thing could come out of such a small and cute little girl like her. I have a weak stomach and nearly threw-up.  Since I wasn't home all of yesterday, I wonder what they fed her to produce such results. Yuck-yuck.

Today I am just going to relax and read. I may even indulge myself and take a nap. What a life, I know! :) Hope everyone out there has an amazing day.


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