Thursday, March 10, 2011


I have live in France now for 2 and a half months now (almost) and I had never had a macaroon. I walked by bakeries marveling at how cute they were, how colorful and dainty, but had not yet tried one. Today while at the bakery getting Samuel's birthday tart and eclairs (his choice of birthday sweets, not mine), I decided to order one. It was heaven. I went the safe route and got a strawberry one, rather than the other crazy colors they had. I do not know why it took me so long to try one. It was melt in your mouth deliciousness.

I have the song -Girls, you are Beautiful, or possibly called Big Girls, you are Beautiful stuck in my head, because Gabrielle keeps singing it to me. So as I ate my sugar-filled macaroon, I hummed it. Irony huh? I get that to Gabrielle I do not look like the typical French stick of a woman, but I still think it is rude she likes to point it out. It must be a French people being straight forward thing. Its a good song, but its like just when she is nice and I begin to like her, she does something like that or something so bratty and my dislike for her reappears. Sheesh. So totally (or semi) unrelated but thats me, I could ramble for days. Enjoy.

To wrap it up, if and when you all come to France (which I know you all will from reading how amazing it is from this blog, HA!) get a macaroon. They are yummy. And don't be discouraged as you bite into the heaven in the form of a little round pastry by 9 year old brats thinking you are not so beautiful. Eat, Love, Laugh, and Enjoy Life my friends.


P.S. - I went to Picard today. Picard is a store that only sells frozen food. I bought fish to eat on Friday's during lent. I sent J-F a sarcastic text asking if I was allowed to keep it in the freezer, though I would not write my name on it. I know I am passive-aggressive, which is not a good trait, but doing snide things such as these, keep me happy. Maybe I should give that up for Lent - try to stop being passive-aggressive. Anyways, he said yes :) which is good, because frozen fish would not last 40 days in a drawer in my bathroom


  1. BRING ME TO FRANCE!!!!!!! I love love love macaroons. But the ones here are always sticky and chewy...not as good.

    <3 Happy Lenten Festivities! When are you due home?!

  2. i will be coming home august 2011 unless i stay for culinary school and then it wont be till may ish 2012
