Wednesday, April 20, 2011

Round 1.

J-F just got home, the rest of the family gets home tonight, he had work. He came straight from the door to my room. He saw the bags that I was packing and acted confused. Then he said he didn't see why I was leaving. I told him, I thought I made a very reasonable offer to work 36.5 hours a week, and they turned it down, and on top of that told me I would never have privacy. He asked me where I was going and when I planned on leaving, I said tonight, that I would get picked up by the deRostolan's if they were fine with me leaving so suddenly. He said do whatever I want. Score. Then he said that S and he had calculated out my hours and as of now I wasn't working much over 30 hours a week. He asked me what I considered working, and I said anytime I had to be here for the kids. He apparently doesn't agree with that definition. Round 1 went ok, they will gang up on me tonight when Sandrine gets home. I didn't cry this round, until Josephine came to talk to me after. I wish I could just poof and be gone. I don't do well with confrontation.


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