Tuesday, February 1, 2011

hello to all!

I absolutly love it here! Last night once the kids got home from school, I built train sets with the boys, then played a game of monopoly. Then it was bath time. The 3 youngest took a bath all together, and the boys are just getting over lice so I had to scrub their heads with stinky shampoo. Then Elsa started to poop in the tub, haha mums... remind you of anyone. That was hilarious! Me and Josephine were cracking up as the kids looked on with shampoo in their hair. After baths and a little more playing, it was time for dinner. Josephine is a wonderful cook! We had cabbage soup and then rice with fish and onions and tomatoes! Yum yum!

After dinner the parents arrived home, and for a treat we had the ephinany gallette. Then Sameul went crazy - running, biting, screaming - he gets that way when hes tired, but little does he know, I bite back, run smarter, and scream louder. So in the long run I'll win when hes having these fits :)

The kids wen to bed a little after 9, but since Samuel and Gabrielle aren't used to sharring a room yet, they had some issues with going straight to bed, and played a little too long. They were exhausted this morning.

This morning I woke up Sam, Ben and Gabi at half past 7. Ben does this funny zombi walk when he first wakes up and Gabi just lays in bed and moans. They got dressed, while I dressed Sam. He acted like he was still asleep so I would completly dress him before he opened his eyes, little does he know this "game" makes it worlds easier for me :) They went off to school with their dad and I got to get Elsa ready.

Now all the kids are gone, and Lyn the house keeper just got here. I am free all day until 3 15, so I'll do some exploring.

I still haven't gotten my lap top to connect to the internet, so I am using the family computer for now. I can proudly say I am begining to learn the European keyboard, so props to me!!

Everyone have a blessed day,


  1. Mandy Rose,

    So happy to read this post of a normal day - the way days should always be for you. The kids sound terrific and your tone makes me so happy. I don't believe you can run faster than a four year old, though. :)

    I remember now that the parents said Sam no longer naps at school so you'll have to work on getting them to bed earlier.

    So answer these questions - how was the park? was it warm enough to read for any length of time? are there other au pairs who pick up kids around you for you to hang out with? will they have you get the kids at school soon? have you talked to or plan to see E or F? Is your bed comfy? Is there room for Maddie to visit you?

    The sleet just started hitting the windows here. We're supposed to have temps in the 20's today and a winter storm all day. Will probably work from home. Going jump back into my warm bed knowing that you are safe and happy.


    P.S. We got the chocolate in the mail yesterday!!!! Thank you. I was regretting not buying some.

  2. Your post made me smile from ear to ear. It makes me happy that you are happy. What a lucky family to have you in their lives!

