Friday, February 11, 2011

Why France?

I moved to France with high hopes, wanting to start new. France was a new start, a new life, just NEW. I had ended a heart breaking relationship with the man I thought I'd be with for the rest of my life. I left America with a dream ... for a new beginning and a new French start. I came with goals, goals that I would learn French, have fun, and experience a new way of life. I wanted to be happy, I longed to be happy again. It worked.  My first week in Dijon was amazing, and then things began to crumble. I ended up jobless and defeated. Embarassed that, after only 2 weeks, I would be retuning to the states without my goals completed,  I felt like a failure. Then an angel came in the form of an amazing man, a perfect man. He gave me hope and the desire not to give up without a fight. He is perfect.  Anyone would be more than lucky to have him by her side.

Then my mom arrived, another angel. We had an amazing time together, and together she restored my faith in this French journey. I got a new job, an amazing job. It didn't involve enough independence as I hoped, but it was a chance to reach my goals and start new. After 1 week of bliss, I was starting to feel down again.  I had left everything I had ever known, and for what?  I was not born to be a servant, but I was not ready to give up just yet.  I got an invite from my first angel to have coffee, and my dreams didn't seem so out of reach.  I left my afternoon of coffee and conversation feeling amazing.  I knew that I could do it. With minor set backs this week, I feel like I can do it, ALL OF IT.

I have come to France alone. I look crazy to more people than I can count, but I am doing it.  I am happy and meeting all my goals head on. Since I arrived here 6 weeks ago, I have received countless compliments and a handful of marriage proposals. I am happy and over my first heart break. There is a sun in my world, and I am happy and doing it. I am starting to realize I am in charge of my happiness, and I can do it, all of it.

Thank you for all of your support! No more complaints!



  1. It is hard, oh so hard to live in a foreign country, far from everyone and misunderstood. This is your chance to rediscover yourself. You will never see life the same way again and this is the best thing you could ever do for yourself. The journey is tough and you will sometimes be treated like a servant but you will grow bigger through all that. I hope you reach your goals but seems to me that you already achieved more than that in the last six weeks. You are a new you, a citizen of the world. Your mama must be so proud!!

  2. This is an experience you will draw on for the rest of your life. You will draw on it for strength, for knowledge, for maturity, for gumption. Love every minute because every minute is something many, MANY people wish they could have.... or have had... but you DID/DO!
