Thursday, February 24, 2011

not a damn babysitter

Ok, so in reality, I am. I get asked often, why are you in France? I reply je suis une fille au pair. Then I get confussed looks. I explain I watch les enfants, and they say, oh you're a babysitter. I want to scream. I did not move to France, taking a year off of college to be called a meer babysitter. Of all the people, I would think the French knew what an au pair was, afterall it is a French title. Though, I guess you could say I am a babysitter, it does not have the glamourous air of saying I am an au pair. Therefore, if I happen to meet you on the streets of Paris and we get to talking about what brings me to Paris, and you do not know what an au pair is, I will turn and walk away. I do not want to feel like I stopped my comfortable life to be called a babysitter. Thank you.



  1. Believe me, from what you describe, you're not a mere babysitter. You are essentially a hired mom. You're experiencing all the joys and trials of being a mom, but getting paid for it... sort of.
    Hang in there. It's probably your accent. They just can't understand Americans speaking French.

  2. The word "Au Pair" is a French term, which means "on par" or "equal to", denoting living on an equal basis in a reciprocal, caring relationship between the host family and the children. An aupair will typically be a young woman and sometimes a young man from a foreign country who chooses to help look after the children of a host family and provide light housekeeping. The aupair is given room and board and is typically paid a weekly "pocket-money" salary. Aupairs generally stay with their host family for one year.

  3. hahaha right! Totally know how you feel!
