Sunday, February 27, 2011

I work for marketing of Tampax.

This morning I woke up and went to Notre Dame for Mass. I was late, so I decided after Mass was over to stay for the next one as well. It was an International Mass so one of the readings was in English.  Yay! Though the priest had a heavy German accent, I liked hearing the English. It was amazing to me though, that during Mass, people are still allowed to walk and tour the church.  It seemed a little wrong and a lot irreverent to me. After the 2nd Mass, I went to lunch in what must be a famous cafe.  As I sat outside on the patio, many open tours stopped in from of me, and the tourists took pictures. I felt like a movie star and smiled for each one.

After lunch, and after the wine, I must have looked very approachable in the subway. I got approached by men wanting to invite me places.  For the first guy, I was nice. I attempted to carry a conversation in broken English. After we parted and I got on another subway, I was no longer feeling in the mood to be hit on. When approached I started to say I spoke no French. When they (in broken English) asked me why I was in France, I decided to become an actress.  Instead of appearing as a vulnerable au pair, I created a story of how I worked for marketing of Tampax. One guy on the street (after the subway) asked what Tampax was, I replied, the tampon, you know, for menstruation. Thank God for that conversation killer. :)

When I got home on my day off, everyone was back, including Benjamin (moody and back from camp). I was in the mood to just sit in my room and watch Garden State.  After all, it is my day off. Sandrine informed me that they got a call from Lyn earlier today, she lost her baby. I am so sad. Everyone pray for her, she's who has got me through so much here. It was a little girl, I believe. Heartbreaking.


1 comment:

  1. That is so sad =(
    But I just died laughing at the Tampax thing! That's my favorite subject for unwanted company =)
