Friday, February 18, 2011


I am mad to the max. After being told I would be taking Samuel to Euro Disney today, I expected money to go. My mom had gotten me a Disney passport so my ticket is free.  Along with the passport, I got coupons so he can go for 15 euros (A HUGE MONEY SAVER). Therefore, I expected my train fare to get out there, in addition to possibly lunch. Well I should have known. I got left 30 euro, which won't even cover Sam's train, ticket and lunch. If I knew I would be spending probably my whole week's income on this, I would have said I didn't want to take him. I may sound like a spoiled brat, but after getting yelled at for writing my name on something I bought for the fridge, I thought they realized I don't have a lot of money to pay for the family. Though they should know, they are after all the ones who pay me. I feel cheated, I am going to the happiest place on earth, and I will think of it as the day that ate up all of my income. I'm quite P-Oed of you couldn't pick up on that. Text me mum when you wake up.

1 comment:

  1. He's not your kid and you shouldn't be using your pocket money to pay for him. However, this doesn't surprise me... families that use au pairs are some of the cheapest around. Try to find a different job if you can because not to be the bearer of bad news but it's not going to get any better!

    good luck darlin!
