Thursday, February 3, 2011

cabin fever

I really do love it here, but being here all day 24 hours a day is starting to get to me. I need to go out and explore but not spend too much money and be back in time to get Elsa from day care.

Yesterday I went to the store to buy the family milk. Lost in translation I was suppose to get Gabi from Yoga. It was all good though because Yoga is litterally 40 steps from their front door. After that I met Jean-François parents, they were very nice (imagine typical grandparents). Then I played with the boys and bathed Elsa. She was in a rotten mood yesterday, so that wasn't all that fun, but she seemed happy again this morning.

Then we had dinner. A cucumber, tomato, corn with tuna salad for the starter, then beef and green beans for the meal. Josephine even made homemade apple sauce for dessert. Talk about amazing, I hope she never stops cooking while I'm here, I dont think my food would compare.

Sameul threw a fit at dinner and went to bed early, when he's not mocking every word I say, he's screaming. It's when he's quiet, you have to worry what he's up to.

This morning, Sameul was the first one awake, but it makes sense because he went to bed first. When he saw me get his clothes out to dress him, suddenly he fell "asleep" so I would play the dress the limp body game he loves in the morning. This morning because he wasn't actually drifting in and out of sleep, he was fully awake, he was rather stiff. So I stood him up to dress him, and luckly he cooperated.

He decided to be my helper as we made breakfast for everone. I am starting to get the hang of it. Ben likes orange juice with toast (butter and STRAWBERRY jam), Gabrielle likes salmon but when they are out, she just has warm milk with a bit of honey. Samuel likes whatever hes in the mood for, today it was warm milk with honey and "TOST" he calls it immitating me, with more cheese than bread. Elsa just has a warm bottle with milk. Gabrielle was very funny today at breakfast, yelling, "I dont want to go to school, I dont care about school, I wont do my work, I dont care if I get bad marks and get punished, I dont give a damn" all in french of course, J-F translated for me though. She went to school, they all did.

After they were all gone I went back to bed, this whole waking up at 6:45 is getting to me, so I napped a bit then woke up to talk with Lyn and have lunch. I want to go explore but Sandrines mum will be here at 2 to get some things then I can leave before I go get Elsa at 4. 

Tonight J-F and Sandrine are going to the opera so I will be babysitting. I hope the kids go to sleep for me. Should be a nice little experiment. Wish me luck.



  1. Love the descriptions of your days. Feel like I'm there with you still. Hope you get to explore a bit with your subway pass!!!

    Learn some French. Log your hours so you understand how many hours per week you are working, and then try to establish a fair schedule so you get Sundays off routinely at least. Of course, your work is pretty cool so far and you're living in a mansion with a cook, so not much room to complain.

    So glad your first week there was skyscrapers above your first week in Dijon. Your tone is so much better.

    Icy hugs and kisses to you. 3rd Snow Day here in Dallas. Poor Super Bowl XLV planners. I bet they're freaking out. Traveling is horrible here.


  2. hi Mandy! I commented back on my blog but then thought you might not get it!! I'm about 1hour30 from Paris on the train! Loving your blog too!! If you wanna chat properly, add me on facebook :) Hope all is going well for you!
    By lucyanna on Wednesday fun! at 05:17

  3. Hey Mandy... sounds like "so far, so good"! Hope that every day finds you learning something new. Soak it up. Post photos when you have time!
