Saturday, February 26, 2011

not so sweet memories

So the kids are back- all but Benjamin (he returns tomorrow).  In addition, we have a cousin who stayed the night who is about Benjamin's age. Shabbat dinner was, well, like it always is. We don't eat until about 9 so the kids are exhausted and Samuel is crazy. He stresses out his grandmother (Sandrine's mom).  While helping me do dishes, she commented on his behavior. It is starting to not really phase me, because in the company of his parents, I am not really entitled to comment. I solemnly replied, "He is like that pretty much every night." In reality he is, to some degree.  Just on Fridays it's worse. Little did I know that me talking to the grandmother would be cause for a family fight the next day.

After the stressful and loud Shabbat dinner, I went to the bar down the street, and had a glass of wine and watched some rugby.

This morning when eating with Sandrine, she mentioned that her mother called to make a case about Samuel's behavior and getting him treatment. The grandmother recalled to Sandrine that I had said he was like that every night, though Sandrine believes it is only on Fridays. Sandrine was upset, and I told her I didn't realize that I shouldn't have said anything.  After all, the grandmother is always here, and I was told to treat her as part of the family. Sandrine didn't fault me, rather her over-bearing mother, and just said not to talk about Samuel with her anymore. Anyways, 2 hours later her mother called back I assume to further discuss it, and while I was playing with the kids downstairs it was a screaming and crying match upstairs. I felt bad.  I can see why they get offended with the grandmother's overbearing presence, but I also see merit in what the grandmother is saying about Sam's behavior. Yes, he is 4 but if he keeps acting like he does now, I feel deeply sorry for the next au pair.

Now on to the not-so-sweet memory. I was reading in the sitting room while Samuel was playing on an iPhone.  Gabrielle came up and took it from him.  She being 5 years older and twice as big then started to kick him to keep him from getting the game. Defeated, he walked away, only to get a pen to stab her in the head. Then she went screaming to the parents saying Samuel hit her, acting as if it was unprovoked. I then recounted the story as they were scolding Sam and comforting Gabi. I felt bad for Sam. I would have behaved the same way if someone took my toy and then began to kick me. Maybe that is part of the cause to his misbehaving? That made me realize I was probably the Gabi a time or 2 with my brother, where I was just as nasty or nastier, but cried louder, and got him in trouble while I watched on feeling smug. So sorry Jeff. (sometimes you truly were awful to me though, so don't think you are getting completely off the hook)


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