Wednesday, February 2, 2011

long Wednesday

Bon jour! Yesterday I went with Lyn to pick up Elsa and Gabi from daycare and school. Lyn is the woman I am replacing in a way while she is on maternity leave. Lyn is AMAZING.  She is 4 foot 9 I am sure and happy and easy going. She is so cute pregnant, because she is so tiny. Like me, she doesn't speak French, despite being here for 10 years now. She speaks amazing English though and says whatever is on her mind. She informed me the window in her home overlooks the Eiffel Tower, and it is very romantic, which is the reason she is pregnant again. I wish I could show you all just how cute this woman is.

So we got the kids from their schools, about a 20 minute walk from one another, and came home. Lyn packed Elsa a snack of nutella in bread, so by the time we got home, she was covered in chocolate, and didn't have any of the bread. The girl knows what she likes, so we threw the bread to the birds. We got home and Gabi showered.  Then it was time for her piano lessons and Hebrew lessons. Benjamin takes Hebrew at school so he only had piano yesterday. Josephine watched Elsa while I played Monopoly with Samuel. He cheated the whole time, but I didn't mind. I am not a poor sport when playing Monopoly with a 4 year old.

After that, I bathed Sam and Elsa and got them dressed in jammies. Thankfully Elsa didn't poop in the tub today. Then it was time for dinner. Josephine made a broccoli soup and fried chicken with broccoli and potatoes. Yum Yum, dinner here with Josephine's cooking is better than a restaurant.

Then we played some more before it was time for bed. Sam refused to go to sleep last night and kept knocking on my door to lay with him. I didn't mind, but I am afraid to get lice. I've never had it and I want to keep it that way.

I love nights here, between Jean-Francois and the guest they had over last night, there is always beautiful classical music being played on the piano. It's really like a dream.

This morning I woke up the boys bright and early and got them dressed. Again Samuel acted like he was asleep, so it was a game getting clothes on his limp body. Gabrielle got to sleep in because she didn't have school today. I made the boys breakfast- oatmeal for Sam, toast for Ben - and they went off to school.

I then got Elsa dressed and played with her until her mom was ready to take her to daycare. By the time her mom left, Gabi decided to wake up and get dressed. She did her homework, and we watched a bit of Avatar before her friend came to get her to go to the swimming pool for a play date.

Now I'm here at the house with Josephine. She is doing some laundry and tidying up the house, and I am quite bored. She can't speak English so when we talk we run around the house looking for props to get the point across. It's fun, and with her amazing cooking, I welcome the exercise.

Gabi will return just before it's time to take her to yoga. Then I will go get Elsa from school. Until then, I will just be hanging out in this beautiful house.

Until tomorrow,

PS- mums I haven't heard from F but talked to E a bit, and I'm thrilled you got the chocolate!! All my love!

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