Friday, December 31, 2010

Airport Emotions

I am sitting in the airport right now. Saying au revoir to my Mom, Dad, Sister and Berit was much hard that I expected. We had our last hugs 45 minutes ago now and I just stopped crying. I know that those around me think I am crazy, maybe not if they knew I was leaving America for 12-18 months. Hmmm, but since when have I cared what people thought :)

On another note, I am so excited about France. I still do not know exactly what I am getting myself in to but I am so ready to learn and grow. I can't wait to meet "my family," especially the kids. I am praying that they like me, and I am exactly what they expected, but we'll find out! YAY!!!

I will try to blog as often as I can, I need to get in the habit of doing so.

Au revoir all loved ones in America! Remember anyone going to Europe in the next 12-18 months, email me, facebook me, anything, even if I barely know you, seeing a familiar face across the pond will help me through :)

Happy New Year!


  1. You're going to have so much fun! I'm so excited/jealous of your new adventure. Best of luck, keep us updated!
    xo Brenn

  2. i remember those feelings!! i moved from california to germany as an au pair in july, but i am loving every minute of it! have fun!
